How efficient is your organization?

Importance of efficiency in an organization cannot be understated and is of utmost importance. It is the key to achieve objectives and results and having an efficient organization the best way to reach your goals.

Efficient organizations tend to adjust to change quickly, communication is open and unimpaired by bureaucracy, and teamwork is just a natural extension to the organization itself. These organizations also tend to stay focused on what's really important for longer.

We created this checklist for you to be able to self-evaluate efficiency in your organization. This checklist places great emphasis on communication and human interaction, as we believe those to be the cornerstones of efficient organizations.

Check each of the traits you believe applies to your organization to see the overall efficiency score at the end of the checklist.


Clear vision and direction

Vision and direction are clearly communicated in your organization. Actions are driven from a clear understanding of the value they will create. Your organization has a mission statement and it forms a cornerstone of the strategy of your organization.

Clearly defined roles and responsibilities

Every member of the organization knows what to do and who is responsible for doing it. In rare cases when this is not true research is done, skills are acquired, and tasks are delegated to get back on track with the objectives of the organization.

Open communication

Every member of the organization is free to raise issues and propose solutions. Nothing is discarded without due consideration and members are generally empowered to communicate between various structures and layers of the organization.

Member empowerment

Your organization places a high emphasis on independent judgment. Members of the organization are empowered to improve, change and define new processes. "Let's try and see" is a common occurrence in your organization. Team members are consulted and their perception considered when making strategic decisions.

Training and continuous learning

Your organization provides continuous training for every member of the staff and provides learning opportunities to improve on existing skills and acquire new ones. Internal knowledge and know-how is shared and readily accessible through internal learning materials and practices.

Adapts to opportunities and changes

Teamwork and supportive leadership are defining traits of your organization.

Repetitive processes are automated

You commonly review and eliminate repetitive processes through automation and process optimization. It has been months-to-ever since someone last fell asleep doing their job.

Feedback is provided often and is constructive

Your organization practices 360-degree feedback and reviews performance often. Feedback provided is constructive and sub-par performance is fought with wisdom and education.

Lessons are learned

When something bad happens the situation is investigated, and countermeasures are installed to prevent reoccurrence of the same issue in the future. Situations are debriefed for lessons learned, not punishment.

Objectives are clear and progress monitored

Objectives are important because they convert visions into clear, measurable targets. Every member of the organization has clarity as to what they are expected to achieve and when.

"Not my job" is absent

If there is nobody who can do it, you will learn and do it. Everyone shares this vision and commitment.

Effective communication

Bureaucracy is not welcome in this organization. The best way to get a sign off for something from someone is Slack, and that is how it happens.

Modern and effective tools

Your organization consistently invests in modern and efficient tools, minimizing waste and increasing productivity. The organization is quick to adopt new working methodologies and tools to support them.

Your score


points out of maximum

As a general rule, highly efficient organizations should score above 70%.

Scores less than that tend to indicate some space for improvement.

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